Eddie is the amazing human behind Orange Sky, providing people living on the streets in Aotearoa with laundry and shower services. Read below to see what drove him to start Orange Sky here in New Zealand and you'll see why he is such a brilliant guy.
Can you describe what ORANGE SKY is in a few words?
Orange Sky is a free mobile laundry and shower service. We provide our service all across NZ to people living on the streets or doing it tough.
Do you remember the moment that made you want to start Orange Sky?
A guy who was sleeping on the streets in my neighbourhood (Manurewa) passed away while sleeping on the streets. He wasn't much older than me and it was to hard to ignore so wanted to do my bit to help.
Tell us one successful story you have had with Orange Sky.
We've seen people come wash their clothes to go to an interview. They got the job and although they don't need our services anymore they now come out and volunteer with us.

If I want to support you, what can I do?
People can volunteer their time. Its two hours either a week or a fortnight or they can donate through our page at orangesky.org.nz
Also following us on social media and helping us spread awareness is a simple but effective way to support.
What is your wish for Orange Sky for the rest of 2022?
Looking forward to getting to new communities. We are launching two more vans this year in new locations.
If you were prime minister tomorrow, what would be the first thing you would put in place?
Push for more housing. I know that its improved over the years but still have a long way to go.
From 1 to 10, how excited are you to participate in the FAT GIVE BACK class on Friday 16/09?
10. I know not just myself but some of the team are keen to get involved in the class :)
What is your favourite exercise move?
Burpees. Always tough but reminds me of when I was younger playing rugby. Half of the warm up process was just doing burpees lol
How important is movement for you?
Very. I want to be doing what I do for a long time to come. Staying active is a great way to insure my body can keep doing this for some time to come.