Meet Frankie, our Road Runners coach and inspiring athlete.

This man brings the intensity and the heat, when Frankie's there, you will bound to get a good workout out of it.
A true Strava’s running, swimming and cycling legend, learn more about this inspiring man below.

Frankie, How did you begin your running journey?

I always remember getting up as early as possible at primary school, eating breakfast and then running (sprinting actually, even if it was 5 minutes after breakfast) to school so we could play football. I don’t really remember ever walking until I had to catch the bus when we moved…

What has been your biggest personal achievement in running?

Hitting my time goal for my first marathon. My stoke-levels when one of my mates handed me a beer at the finish line at Vic Park were at historic heights. A beer before 9am has never tasted so good!

Do you have a funny story about a previous running coach?

My old coach at high school had the most booming, loud voice and a ridiculously thick Scottish accent to boot. The fact that he could still be scary with that voice, even though he was old enough that he couldn’t walk without a walking stick, is pretty funny on reflection.

What motivates you to run?

Running is definitely an escape for me. Nothing is quite the same as a physical outlet, mind cleanser and chance to reset / reflect / reconnect / refresh than hitting the trails (and pavement, from time to time).

What are a couple things that are most important to you running?

Being outside. I have never been able to run on a treadmill. Another big one is mixing it up. I am a massive fan of getting out into the bush, exploring and finding some trails (even if they are just little loops around a local reserve or board walk). Trail running definitely helps me realise the “escape” of running.

Do you have any fitness and lifestyle goals set for the rest of the year?

Over the last few years I have set myself a goal to be fit enough to do anything (and be comfortable(ish) doing it) people throw at me - an openwater swim, a mountain bike on a Saturday, a 3 day hike, a circuit at the gym, whatever. I have just signed up for a 50km race (eek!) so should probably get some training in for that too…

What does the FAT ROAD RUNNERS mean to you?

A community. Running can be hard, but can also be super rewarding and (not trying to be too lame) powerful for your mind and body. So for me, FAT Road Runners makes that hard