Connor has been working with us in helping create the look and feel of FAT for a few months, while participating in our weekly classes.
Read below for a behind the scenes interview with this special and creative guy.
Connor, what was your first impression of FAT from the outside looking in, before the very first session you did?
I think my very first impression of FAT before I’d heard anything or even knew what it was, was seeing the trusty Volvo with the green FAT logo across the side driving around Tāmaki Makaurau! I always remember thinking it was so dope but not really knowing anything beyond that.
Later down the line, I heard more about FAT from Eli once he started running the sessions and that naturally sparked my interest more. E only had great things to say, and kept nagging me until I eventually came along and of course instantly loved it!
What were a few thoughts, feelings running through your mind when asked to help us shape the design and look of FAT?
I was super stoked when Kevin and Eli asked me to come on board and help with marketing and design. I thought to myself ‘this is a brand that I know well, love the style of and has a community of like-minded people to myself. How could I not be interested
My first thought was that I wanted to ensure the vibe of FAT didn’t change when I came on board. The cheekiness and colourful nature that FAT is recognised for, is the creative embodiment of the community itself. It was, and still is integral to getting FAT to where it is today, so I didn’t want to reinvent the wheel, but instead help add to it!
It has been an amazing opportunity because the ever-changing nature of the brand has allowed me to be pretty playful and creative, and Kevin only encourages me to do that. So, having essentially no creative limits is a dream come true for any designer.
What would you say to someone hesitating to come to FAT?
It may sound like a cliché, and it does get thrown around a lot, but that’s because it's so true - that FAT is for everyone. All the trainers are super motivational, and will help you push yourself whether you’re a beginner or expert.
It’s a non-judgemental, friendly and welcoming environment in what can otherwise be a relatively intimidating industry if you have limited experience with HIIT or exercise classes.
Everybody involved with FAT from the outset has created an environment where you can tell they all genuinely love what they do, and that has a trickle down effect to the sessions themselves. There will be burpees, there will be pushups but there will also be lots of laughs, good music and fresh air. So for me, there isn’t a more enjoyable environment to work out in.

What does Fitness All Together mean to you? and following that how do you want to be apart of it through the design process?
To me, FAT represents a different way of thinking. It’s unconventional and unlike any other fitness organisation in Auckland. It’s authentic, community focused, cheeky, and inclusive.
In terms of being a part of FAT through the design process, it goes back to what I mentioned before - I want the things I create to appeal to, and embody our community.
We’ve got a lot of exciting things coming up, and I’m fortunate to be able to be involved in a lot of these projects from start to finish. Can’t wait to be able to share them with you all and to continue growing the FAT community.
What is it like working behind the scenes with Eli and Kev? Must be a laugh!
Constant positive vibes. Everybody's free to share their thoughts and that energy is only multiplied in the way we bounce ideas off of each other.
Kevin has no off switch and high aspirations. So usually once we finish one thing, it’s on to the next straight away. It’s a massive asset to FAT, and makes for an exciting work environment.
Then with E, we’ve been mates since we were 11 or 12, so it’s an absolute blessing to be able to work with him. Who wouldn’t want to work with their buddies?