What is your role within Precinct?
M: Property Marketing Manager
K: Graphic Designer
How did your company hear about FAT and how long have you been training with us?
M: When I first started working at Precinct was when I heard about FAT. They were already running the corporate classes with them weekly. That was back in 2019.
K: When I started at Precinct, was when I first heard about FAT. May 2021.
Can you share your experience thus far with FAT? What did you think of FAT before you started vs. now / since you’ve been training with us regularly?
M: I really enjoy the sessions and have since I started the attending the classes. No workout is the same so you don’t get bored.
K: I love the classes. They are super hard and I find them challenging, but it’s so addicting to see the progress through the months.

If you could highlight three main benefits you and the team get from FAT, what would they be?
M: Feel healthier and fitter
Get to make new friends and also bond with colleagues who you might not cross paths with in a work environment
It’s motivating
K: Mental health – I feel much much better mentally if I’ve gone to my FAT classes, and a lot worse if not. Physical health – the obvious one, but it’s nice to be fit and stay in shape. Food – I feel less guilty for splurging on Uber Eats :P
What would you say to someone unsure about coming to FAT?
M: come along and try it for yourself. You won’t know if it’s for you until you give it a crack! The team are really encouraging and welcoming
K: Definitely give it a go. It may seem intimidating at first, but you are only trying to compete with yourself.