How is your personal running jouney going?
I started playing football at 6 years old so I guess, this would have been the start of my journey. More seriously, running has been very important in my adult active life. I've always seen it as an easy and accessible escape to keep me mentally and physically happy. I ran my first half marathon in 2017. It was the Waiheke half marathon and trust me, it was not a easy one! I've since had surgeries on by my hip (FAI) and knee (ACL/Meniscus), both pretty crazy times in my life but I'm grateful to be where I am now. It's my 3rd year running ROAD RUNNERS and I'm super excited to meeting you and support you in this journey :)
What has been your biggest personal acheivement in running?
DEFINITELY last year's Auckland full marathon. It was my first one and it was quite an emotional one. After all my previous injuries and surgeries, I was quite nervous doing it. Once again, I learnt a lot in this journey such as the importance of stretching, finding the right balance between rest and effort, but most importanly I learnt a lot from cool people in our Road Runners sessions. This is an intense effort for your body (and toenails lol) but an unforgettable experience. I really encourage you do do it one day even, if it is a half marathon, the fizzing feeling at the start line is something pretty cool!
What motivates you to run?
Running is now part of my life and my goal is now to listen and be smart with my body so I can run for another 50 years :) For me, it's the variety of terrain, the smiles you cross on your run, your favourite music playing while you feel good...

What does FAT ROAD RUNNERS mean to you?
A lot! We started 2 years ago and we have now gained the trust from our community and made real impact in many people's running journey. New year, same vibes, creative events, best S&C in-person and online sessions... This is our vision and we are ready to support you. Keep an eye on our social media this year and expect way more content. We also want to hear your feedback, what you need from us so don't be scared to email us back or DM us on instagram. We are here for you.
What are your top 3 pieces of advice for people wanting to start or re-start running?
Funnily enough my advice hasn't really changed from last year. 1. Find your crew. Get inspired by someone that will support you. In my opinion, there is something about running that you can't find in many other sports. It is accessible and very social! If you don't have anyone, you have us! Don't be shy, come along or message us. 2. Listen to your body before, during, after the run. Put it this way, you can't run without your body so you need to look after it. Start small and stay consistent if you want to reach where you want to be. 3. Have fun or find a way to have fun. Music plays a huge part for me. You will feel good once it's done, you know it! At the end of the day,it comes down to movement and like minded human connection. This is Road Runners, this is us :)